It's a sad day for generations of folks who did their toy shopping at Toys 'R' Us.

Wayne, New Jersey-based Toys 'R' Us has announced that it will shut down or sell all 735 of its U.S. stores, leaving 33,000 people out of a job. This marks the end for a company who has lasted an astonishing 50 years.

But what led to the downfall of Toys 'R' Us? Some say big box retailers such as Walmart, others say Amazon and other online retailers killed them. We can't really know for sure.

I reached out to Lubbock Toys 'R' Us management to see when the last day the store would be open and how many local employees would lose their jobs. No one would speak to me and instead referred me to their website, which currently says nothing.

I just hope Geoffrey the Giraffe can find a new place to hang.

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