Is This Lubbock Store the Perfect Place for Adventurous Shoppers?
I am sure many of you have come across a video online where people go to a giant warehouse to go diving into boxes/bins to find things that were returned to Amazon and get a good deal. Unfortunately, those types of stores only exist in big cities like Los Angeles, or so many of us in the South Plains thought.
For the past two years Connie Mora has been running the Daily Discount Store where she sells items that have been returned to Amazon and gives them a second chance to be of some use. The price of everything in the bins does vary depending on the day. For example Friday everything (inside the bins) is $10 and goes down a dollar in price everyday.
This store has almost everything I didn't know I needed, like a container to hold a pint of ice cream and keep it cold, but some times an item will be missing a screw or hinge. Due to how much stock they get some items can't be fully looked over unless it's one of the bigger electronic items so a piece, like a nail, of the product might be missing or broken. The simple fix is to go to Home Depot and get the screw, hinge, wire or whatever it is, because it is still cheap, and try to fix it yourself.
There are mystery boxes in a lot of the bins which is exciting because you don't really know what you are getting, unless you have the Amazon app. You can use the Amazon app and scan the barcode of those mystery items to see what is inside because you are not allowed to open anything. Those are the rules. There is also a half off section where the more expensive electronic items they can't sell for just $10 are located along with an Amazon clothing and shoes section that ranges from $5 to $25.
They do restock their products on Friday multiple times because of the demand and how much product they get plus it's fun. Connie Mora says the best part of all of this is the people and seeing them save money finding what they need during a time where inflation is affecting everyone.

If you are up for the challenge of treasure hunting locally then visit the Daily Discount Store Friday through Tuesday at 2809 Avenue Q. They can sometimes, rarely, be open for their Wild Wednesday deals, and Thursday, with special low prices but they only advertise those times on their Facebook page. If you do go on this shopping adventure share with us in the comments what your perfect find was.
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