Time for Some Serious Fishing!
It is time for the Buffalo Springs Lake 2017 fishing tournament. The event will be held Saturday, April 22nd at the lake.
The event will run from 7 am until 1 pm and there are cash prizes for the heaviest bass caught at the lake.
“· $100/hour slot payout for the single heaviest bass. (Excludes striped bass) 6 slot payouts! If no fish is weighed in on any hour slot then no money will be awarded that hour.
- $500 for the single heaviest bass (excludes striped bass) of the day plus Buffalo Springs Lake Family Season Pass ($175 value)
- 2nd single heaviest bass (excludes striped bass) of the day will also win a Buffalo Springs Lake Individual Season Pass. ($75 value)
- $5 Striped Bass Pot (Optional) Striped bass must be 18” minimum. Heaviest Striper Bass caught for the day will win entire pot which depends on total entries.”
If you are a serious fisherman or fisherwoman, head on out to the lake this weekend!
For more information CLICK HERE!