In this installment of "Once Upon A Time in Lubbock," we take a look back at American State Bank. Of course, Prosperity merged with them several years ago, but until that time they were one of the oldest banks in Lubbock.

Part 1 – A very young Boleo in an American State Commercial

I am in the commercial above. Can you figure out where I am? Let us know if you do!

It was shot in 1985 or 1986 by KAMC-TV Channel 28’s production team. It was representative of what American State Bank was all about: Hometown service from the folks you know. (I sound like a commercial!)

Part 2 – Tillie the All-Time Teller (She works for American State!)

Tillie came around about the time ATMs came along in the Hub City. Tillie was originally an invention of the First National Bank of Atlanta, but she made her way to Lubbock, Texas. And who could forget that jingle: "I’m Tillie the all-time teller, I work for American State…"

Here's a commercial for Tillie’s birthday with American State:

The jingle still resonates with me all these years later. Do you remember Tillie the All-Time Teller?

Bonus fun fact: Susan Bennett, the woman who sung the Tillie jingle, is also the voice of Siri.



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