Lubbock Thrift Store Shopping Should Be Incredible in the Coming Weeks
"One man's trash is another man's treasure!"
I don't know about you, but I love thrift store shopping. And I have found a number of oddball items over the years that I couldn't live without.
But with the tax changes that have gone into effect regarding donations and deductions, when is the best time to hit up Lubbock thrift stores?
After speaking to a manager at a local thrift store, who told me to keep quiet on which one, she said starting January 10th will be the primetime to hunt.
I was told it does take several days to several weeks to sort through donations made and decide what is good quality items and what is just junk. And with the tax changes, donations in December were at an all-time high.
The manager doesn't believe that the tax changes will affect future donations, rather the last of the 2017 donations due to the inability to deduct them for tax credit in the future.
So get ready to hit those thrift stores soon and find your new cherished treasures!
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