The infamous Farrelly Brothers took on a classic and here is a true classic Stooges take on the remake of Stoogmania. Here is the synopsis: Left on a nun's doorstep, Larry, Curly and Moe grow up finger-poking, nyuk-nyuking and woo-woo-wooing their way to uncharted levels of knuckleheaded misadventure. Out to save their childhood home, only The Three Stooges could become embroiled in an oddball murder plot, while also stumbling into starring in a phenomenally successful TV reality show.

Any objections to the Farrellys’ Three Stooges will not be made on the grounds that it desecrates a beloved comedy franchise, but on the grounds that it’s not very funny. The original trio made 20-minute shorts that were concentrated doses of physical shtick. There was no character development. Stretching that into 90 minutes means adding supporting characters, rising action and conflicts. If there’s a way to do that so it coincides with the simple Stooge formula, the Farrellys didn't find it. What can I say? It seems when it comes to the Stooges a little bit continues to go a long way.

Maybe the fact that the original Stooges perfected their craft over the course of decades while these guys have had to take a crash course. It feels like the magic can’t be forced no matter how closely you re-create the circumstances. There are individual moments of Stooge bliss to be found here, but everything else just falls short.

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