The Ghosts And Hauntings Of Texas Tech University
For some reason I have had ghosts on the mind as of late. I always seem to see a movie or documentary that gets me thinking. Am I a Believer? I would say that I am a listener. Undecided is maybe a better term. I am simply waiting for the definitive evidence I need to say yes I believe this or that. During my college days at Texas Tech I heard a lot of stories but never had an "experience" so to say.
Here are some of the reports that I got. Tell me about your experiences on Tech campus and if you can explain confirm or deny the rumors of the dead that still haunt the hallways, classrooms and dorms of Texas Tech University...
One thing for sure, if the legends are true, Tech has a lot of Ghosts and the Chemistry building has several. It's funny, if you ask a professor or staff member about the existence of ghosts in the Chem building they will say "yes" and at the same time they will give you no details... Why? They don't want you in there looking for ghosts. WTF? The most common ones are the old man in the basement that used to work in the old mechanist shop in the 1960's and the graduate student that committed suicide in 1983. He is still trying to finish his research. [his name is Brian.]
The Tech Tunnels was another story that I heard while at Tech. Apparently there used to be a young man who would sneak into the girls dorms from the tunnels (NICE). When the house mom heard about this she was furious and asked the custodians to weld a gate so neither he nor anyone else could get in. The story goes on and says that on his final trip into the tunnels he found the welded gate, tried to retrace his steps to get out, but became lost in the maze of tunnels for several days and eventually died. Out of all the hauntings this one sounds so far fetched but there have been some freaky experiences below Tech. Including hearing screams of help and the feeling of something or someone "brushing" by.
According to some there is a secret storage closet on the third floor of Knapp/Horn Hall. The story goes that a small boy died up there and remains there to this day. You can here his favorite ball bouncing down the hall and on some nights if you knock on a door he will knock back.
I have heard that a ghostly Professor continues to tutor students in Holden Hall. Not many experiences with this report. He must be shy.
The police have been called many times due to a report of a woman standing in the windows of the Ranching Heritage Center. The two story building at the south end of the complex has had many reports of a white woman standing in one of the upper floor windows. Police have responded only to find the place empty. The woman is said to be the wife of the rancher that built the house.
Ever attend the Carol of Lights? Apparently an ex-student attends every year as well. But this one died many years ago. Upon receiving a "goodbye" letter from his girlfriend he threw himself off the roof of the Biology building just before the end of semester. So this year when your at the Carol of Lights and you have a tall black man next to you one minute and no one the next, don't worry.
The most famous story is that of Freda McVay, a retired Tech journalism instructor. She was working for the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal when a cleaning woman was murdered on Dec. 4, 1967, in what was then the Biology building. McVay said a graduate student at the time nearly decapitated the cleaning woman in a third-floor lab while attempting to steal the answers to a final exam. He was caught months later while using the woman's stolen set of master keys to enter biology professor Kent Rylander's office in another attempt to steal an exam. Published reports at the time confirm McVay's version of the story. She, the cleaning woman, now shows up during finals. Supposedly there is a big bloodstain on the floor where she was killed.
There you go guys and gals. Give me some feedback okay. Did you see, hear or experience anything spookified during your time at Tech?
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