Texas Is One of the Least Safe States in America
What is going on here? Texas has scored really, really low, almost rock bottom, on a survey of the safest states to live in.
We legalized open carry, knives, swords, and brass knuckles, and still, we're not safe!
Wallethub is out with another survey, this time the "Safest States In America." I kind of expected Texas to fall in the middle of the pack, but I was unprepared to see the Lone Star State wallowing near the bottom.
Wallethub picked five categories: personal/residential safety; financial safety; road safety; workplace safety; and how prepared each state is for emergencies (natural disasters and whatnot).
After putting all of the math together, Texas was 46th on the list of safest states, and/or the 5th most dangerous state to live in.
Scoring below Texas was Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi (if we don't use the term "swamp belt," then we should).
Just in case you're wondering where the safest states are, Minnesota, Vermont, and Maine took the top three spots. You can see the complete list here.
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