While reviews for Captain America: Civil War were not quite as unanimous as past entries in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there was one thing we could all agree on: Sony Pictures was very, very smart to let Marvel take a crack at shaping the next series of Spider-Man movies.
Just a few days ago, box office analysts were predicting a $125 million opening weekend for Jurassic World. Defying all expectations, Jurassic World brought in a whopping $209 million making it the biggest opening weekend of all-time, beating the previous record holder, The Avengers. The team at Marvel took it all in stride, releasing this poster on Twitter congratulating the Jurassic World crew on their achievement.
At some point, we’re not sure when, Sesame Street stopped being a low-key educational children’s program and started being an educational children’s program that finds time to create internet-friendly parodies of whatever pop culture event is huge in a given week. So yeah, of course the show has made an Avengers-themed sketch and of course it’s called The Aveggies: Age of Bon Bon and of course it recasts Cookie Monster as the Hulk.
Like any major motion picture these days, Avengers 2 is set to open on IMAX screens, giving fans a chance to watch Earth’s mightiest heroes battle evil on a screen larger than their house. And like any major motion picture opening in IMAX, attendees at the opening night screenings will be given a special poster to commemorate the occasion. And since Marvel is really good at getting fans hyped up, they’ve gone ahead and created four separate posters.