A new Taco Villa restaurant will spring up in Lubbock this weekend, but it's an old location. Confused? Don't be.

What's happening according to Taco Villa is that the location at 82nd Street and Indiana Ave. is closing and moving to 8008 Indiana Ave. Well, it's not physically getting up and walking there, but you get the idea.

The new Taco Villa location is officially open today, but will host a grand opening event Saturday, July 15. There will be live music from Justin Robinett from 1 to 4 p.m., as well as face painting from 2 to 4 p.m. Oh, and the tastiest bonus ever: free chips and salsa all day long.

Since this location is also an Urban Cantina, there will be plenty of adult beverages for dine-in customers. (Please drink responsibly, y'all!)


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