Finally some good movies are dropping that have nothing to do with alien robots or comic book heros. Real live people are actually acting in them and not in front of a "blue screen". Ashley Greene, Kristen Bell, Bradley Cooper and Joseph Gordon-Levitt all have new movies this weekend and I want to see them all!

"Premium Rush" (PG-13)
Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays a bike messenger being chased around New York City by a dirty cop, who wants the package he's carrying. And if you stay after the credits roll, you'll get to see how he gashed up his arm while filming the movie.
Quote, "[A diplomat] broke through our cones and the cops and double parked right in the middle of where we were going, and basically I ended up going through the rear window of a taxi cab and getting 31 stitches."

"The Apparition" (PG-13)
A horror movie about a young couple haunted by something that was summoned during a university parapsychology experiment. It's got Ashley Greene from "Twilight", and Sebastian Stan is her boyfriend. He was Cap's best friend in "Captain America".
"Harry Potter's" Tom Felton a.k.a. Draco Malfoy, helps unleash the evil spirit, which feeds on the fear of anyone who believes in it.

"Hit & Run" (R)
Dax Shepard leaves the safety of the Witness Protection Program to drive his girlfriend to L.A., while being chased by the leader of his old bank robbing crew.
Kristen Bell plays his girlfriend, Tom Arnold is a federal marshal, and Bradley Cooper is the bad guy. Dax Shepard helped direct the movie, and wrote the screenplay specifically with his friends in mind.

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