Parade of Homes 2017 to Feature Casas for CASA
For the 12th year, Casas for CASA will be holding their annual fundraiser. This year it will take places during the West Texas Home Builders Association’s Parade of Homes.
The event will be held June 10th through June 15th at the Parade of Homes at Ave. U and 102nd Street. Raffle tickets can be purchased at the site or at the CASA office at 1215 Ave. J Suite 301.
From CASA of the South Plains:
“The funds raised during the event will help to recruit, train, and support CASA volunteers to serve as advocates for abused and neglected foster children. Learn more about becoming a CASA volunteer. The drawing will be held on Sunday, June 25 at 5 p.m. Attendance is not necessary to win. Show your support for foster children in our community and join us at Casas for CASA!”
For more information on Casas for CASA click here!
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