Any way you slice it, 2020 has been a strange year. The latest in the annals of unusual events is the sudden appearance of a sea serpent in a frozen lake about an hour west of Denver, Colorado.

Is it a distant cousin of the Loch Ness Monster? Was it placed in the lake by a visiting UFO? Most likely it is the product of an artistic, creative, bored person who got tired of spending all of his or her time at home and decided to do something to liven up the frozen Dillon Reservoir during ice fishing season.

Craig Simson, the director of of the Dillon Marina told 9 News that the mysterious serpent shaped 'creature' appeared about a week after area stay-at-home orders went into effect furthering the notion that this enigma is of purely human origins.

Wherever or whoever it came from, the Dillon Ness Monster is causing a bit of a stir and bringing smiles to more than a few faces.

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