In Mayor Dan Pope's latest video address, he discusses two key topics: budget and the ongoing saga of how unhappy citizens are with LP&L.

Pope says that "LP&L is far from perfect" but continues to say that it is average regionally in terms of rates and reminds us, once again, that the LP&L bill is not only electricity. To paraphrase Michelle Tanner: we got it, dude.

I do give him the benefit of the doubt that he is working to ensure that LP&L does not "behave like a monopoly". Monopoles are terrible- have you ever played that game? It'll tear your family apart.

Perhaps even more interesting is the proposed allocation of surplus funds mentioned at the beginning of the video: 10 new police officer positions, which will hopefully combat the astronomical amount of property crime, new building inspectors, and new code enforcers. Also street projects and maybe a dog park, yay!

It's worth subscribing to Mayor Pope's Youtube feed if your interested in or invested in your hometown, which you should be.




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