More than 2,400 people came out to run in Lubbock's first-ever Insane Inflatable 5K Saturday, March 14.

The event, held at the Berl Huffman Athletic Complex, also drew around 600 spectators who cheered on their friends and family as they ran the 3.1-mile obstacle course.

The Insane Inflatable 5K prides itself as a race that is more about style and fun than an intimidating experience. Even calling it a race is a misnomer. Every runner who slid down the stories-tall finishing slide received a medal, regardless of how long it took them to do it.

Young children and adults alike ran the race -- many wearing costumes and participating as part of a team. Some dressed up as super heroes like Superman and Batman, while others wore wigs and tutus. But all bounced like crazy.

*All photos: Justin Massoud, Townsquare Media

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