City Council Investigating Expansion to Civic Center — Is This a Good Thing?
Last night, Everything Lubbock reported on the City Council's plans to study the possibility of expanding the Civic Center.
I wonder why they're studying this?
Could it be because they know a good number of citizens are not happy about the Auditorium and Collisium issue? Is this a way to make them happy?
Could it be because they know the new Buddy Holly Performing Arts Center holds fewer people than the current auditorium? This fact could turn away bigger shows that the Auditorium could hold.
From Everything Lubbock:
Online documents stated the intent of the study is to turn the Civic Center into a first-rate convention/conference center.
I think we have a first-rate Civic Center. The major problem is the Civic Center has had poor maintenance over the years. What good is expanding what we have if we don't take care of it? We saw what happened to the Auditorium. Do we really need this same experience in 25-30 years with the Civic Center?
Maybe the city ought to look into hiring an outside firm to do maintenance on City facilities. It's obvious they are not very good at keeping public facilities in good repair.
I find this study to be a waste of taxpayer funds. Let's take care of what we have first, then go from there.
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