LPD Needs Help Finding Any Family Related to Pedestrian Killed in Crash

Investigators with the Lubbock Police Department's Major Crash Unit are looking for anyone related to a pedestrian that was killed in a crash.
Back on Tuesday, September 7th, police say that a vehicle was traveling southbound in the 5000 block of Frankford Avenue at around 8:30 p.m. It was around this time when a female pedestrian, now identified as 44-year-old Inge Janet Jenkins, stepped out in the road in front of the vehicle. It was said in a police report that she failed to yield the right of way to traffic.
Jenkins was struck by the vehicle and pronounced dead at the scene. No one in the vehicle was injured, according to a news release.
While investigators have managed to identify Jenkins, they haven't been able to locate a next of kin family member related to her. Anyone that has any information on Inge Janet Jenkins' family is strongly encouraged to call the Major Crash Investigation Unite at 806-775-2753.
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