The weather can be something else here in Texas. You can start the day with sunshine. You can also quickly change to storms in no-time. I was always told if you don't like the weather give it ten minutes because it can change.

Now I for certain can attest that is definitely true. Heck, sometimes you can even see all four seasons in one day. I mean really Texas can be like that. On our beautiful days with our nice sunrises and sunsets life is good.

It's when we get some crazy storms moving in that can really wreak some havoc. Especially when it comes to our cars and if we don't have a garage. If you are lucky enough to have cover like a garage you just drive inside and you are good.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

What if you don't have a carport or garage? Are you just destined to have hail damage? Oh, and how bad it can be here in Texas. We are notorious for driving to an overpass here in Texas and just parking our car underneath it. If we live close we hoof it back home and hope for the best.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

I live really close to an overpass so I see it all the time. Heck during a recent storm I actually saw a car drive up into my front yard and park under one of our trees. I mean that might help you from hail but not if the hail causes a branch to fall. You are not escaping that.


So if you drive to an overpass and park under it are you in the clear? Or is it against the law? Well it looks like it is not a good idea for several reasons.

Sec. 545.302. STOPPING, STANDING, OR PARKING PROHIBITED IN CERTAIN PLACES. (a) An operator may not stop, stand, or park a vehicle:

(1) on the roadway side of a vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street;

(2) on a sidewalk;

(3) in an intersection;

(4) on a crosswalk;

(5) between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within 30 feet of a place on the curb immediately opposite the ends of a safety zone, unless the governing body of a municipality designates a different length by signs or markings;

(6) alongside or opposite a street excavation or obstruction if stopping, standing, or parking the vehicle would obstruct traffic;

(7) on a bridge or other elevated structure on a highway or in a highway tunnel;

(8) on a railroad track; or

(9) where an official sign prohibits stopping.

Parking under an overpass looks like it would be illegal. Why? Because you are more than likely parking on a curb or sidewalk. You will also be blocking traffic. There are no two ways around it.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

Plus if you park underneath that underpass it could actually create a wind tunnel and potentially cause more damage to your car. So think about this next time you are aware of a storm brewing. Find a better place to keep your car safe. Find something that is legal and safe.

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