I know I am not the only person in Lubbock who got a warning about this one!

I have seen all kinds of internet scams since the first time I used AOL in 1995. But this one is ugly and most people might not realize what is going on until it’s too late!

This afternoon I received an email from one of our regional engineering/IT guys and it was talking about a new scam/hacker-esque email going around. But then I looked at Kotaku and saw a story on it. (Along with stories from BuzzFeed, Vice, DallasNews.com, etc.)

The email will ask you to view a Google Doc file. But then it gets ugly.

“What’s even scarier than that, the page has a very real-looking Google.com URL and clicking on a link to Google Docs appears to confirm the page’s authenticity. It gets worse. That page invites to choose which account you’d like to use to view the Google Doc, and then you’re taken to a page that invites you to grant access to your Google Account.”

Please for the love of everything good and holy on the internet don’t open an email like this. If you give the scammers access to your Google accounts, it is probably game over for you!

As always if you get an email from someone who you don't know or do business with, DO NOT OPEN ANY LINKS OR ATTACHMENTS WITHIN THE EMAIL! Or, better yet, just delete the email sight unseen.

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