How to Get Dental Care in Lubbock if You Can’t Afford It
Dental care is vital to your long-term overall health. Dental abscesses can be lethal - if you think about it, a massive infection inches away from your brain is a terrible thing. And chronic dental pain can keep you from eating the foods you ought to and commonly triggers depression.
In other words, if something is wrong with your teeth, you need to fix them.
Trust me when I say that I empathize if you can't afford it. The vast majority of us are a paycheck or two from poverty, and anyone can experience a major life event that can tap even the hardest working of us out.
That's why it's my duty as a human being to share my experience and knowledge with you.
I had delayed getting any dental treatment for a really long time, in spite of working full time and having dental insurance. What I made covered my bills, food and really not too much else. I certainly didn't have hundreds extra laying around for my teeth.
Luckily for me, I discovered Community Health Clinic of Lubbock's dental offices.
I'll admit I was somewhat embarrassed and hesitant to use a community health clinic. I anticipated long lines full of snot-nosed children, apathetic and condescending staff, sub-par care, etc. I was completely, totally, absolutely wrong, and the only thing I'm ashamed of now is my crappy, preconceived notions.
CHCL's Dental Clinic got me in within two weeks. They accepted my dental insurance, then gave me an income-based discount on top of that. I was able to get X-rays, a cleaning and four fillings for less than $100. I'm tearing up think about how lucky I am. I am very grateful.
The in-office waiting time may have been slightly longer than a "regular" dental office but not enough to be particularly noticeable. Every single staff member treated me with kindness and respect. I received excellent care, everything was explained to me and I am no longer in pain. The offices are just as clean as any other dental office. The dentists are just as qualified as far as I know. They are certified dentists after all.
If you need this service, use it. If your children need dental care, use this service now. The Community Health Clinic of Lubbock is located at 1610 5th Street. Call them at 806-687-6259. They won't turn you away if you can't pay, so you have nothing to lose (besides some cavities).
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