10 Famous Actors Who Lied To Get Movie And TV Roles
Getting cast in a major Hollywood production as an unknown actor is tough work. It takes a blend of talent, perseverance, timing, and of course, luck. But every now and then, an actor can sense an opportunity to tip the scales in his or her favor. And that’s when it’s time for the classic white lie. As it turns out, lots of high-profile actors have told minor fibs in order to secure the movie and television roles they wanted. At the end of the day, it’s just another part of the business.
Granted, none of these lies are that serious. No one lied about their criminal record, for starters. But it is kind of weird to think that without these little lies, some of these actors wouldn’t have played the iconic roles we know them for today. Not to say that lying is ever a good thing, but it certainly helped these actors out in the long run. Ever heard the phrase it’s better to beg forgiveness, than ask permission? That’s pretty much what happened in these instances. Sometimes, it’s a matter of just leaving out key details. Not a lie, per se, just an omission of information.
Below, you’ll learn about the types of falsehoods these famous actors told so they would be more appealing to casting directors. Whether they lied about their age, their height, their education, or even their nationality, these actors had to get creative in their auditions. Here are 10 actors who have admitted to lying during their auditions.
10 Famous Actors Who Lied To Get Movie And TV Roles

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