French fries are an American staple. Even though they're called french fries. But Whatever. Here are my top 5 fast food chain french fries.

So there's no argument here, my list only includes national chain restaurants that are fast food, and available in Lubbock. If they have a drive-thru they count.

Once again these aren't the best french fries around, just my opinion of the best fast food national chain restaurants fries. Here in no particular order are my top 5.

  • Justin Sullivan, Getty Images
    Justin Sullivan, Getty Images


    Arby's is on my list because for some reason they are one of the few places with curly fries. Why? Everyone should have curly fries!

  • Scott Olson, Getty Images
    Scott Olson, Getty Images


    No matter where you are in the world you can always be sure you'll get good fries at a McDonald's. I'm one of those weird guys that likes mine a little soggy, and the Mc does it right.

  • Scott Olson, Getty Images
    Scott Olson, Getty Images

    Long John Silver's/A&W

    They've redone the fries at Long John's in the last few years. But one of the reason I like them is that they're fries in the same oil as the chicken and fish do you get a little of that famous batter flavor in them. Plus fries with malt vinegar is a win! Try it.

  • Scott Olson, Getty Images
    Scott Olson, Getty Images


    Wendy's are just thick. That makes them good.

  • Alex Wong, Getty Images
    Alex Wong, Getty Images


    The only waffle fries on this list. Chick-Fil-A isn't necessarily on this list because their fries are epic. But when you dip them in their Chick-Fil-A sauce, everything is epic!

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