[Updated 9/17/2018] Jerry was found safe! Wolfforth Police were able to locate him.

[Original story] Kevin Noble is asking for help finding his missing elderly father. Unfortunately, it must be 72 hours since an individual goes missing before a silver alert can be issued, but we know time is of the essence. Please be on the lookout for Jerry Nobel and his vehicle:

Lubbock Friends I need your help. My Dad Jerry Noble is missing. He’s driving his car - 2010 Mercedes c300 gun metal grey with black interior. Last seen in Wolforth, Tex around 2pm today. He is not supposed to be driving but left the house without a co-pilot today. He can get lost very easily. He has been gone for about 8 hours. Please share if you can and thank you. Prayers please for his safe return. God is GOOD and we know he is ok. License. FDT0654 - I added a picture of him from breakfast this morning

Here is a photo of Jerry:

via Kevin Nobel
via Kevin Nobel

And the vehicle:


If you see Jerry, please call police immediately.

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