Police in Philly got a call about a guy sitting naked on his porch and found he was hoarding 25 animals inside. The animals included four live male pit bulls, one dead female pit bull, a cat, four dead turtles, two living turtles, a tarantula, a live iguana, a dead iguana, domesticated rats, live roosters, and a four foot alligator! Neighbors said they've complained about the smell for years but the cops couldn't get a search warrant. Finally, the call about nudity got them over, they spotted a dead iguana in plain sight and that was enough for a warrant. The man's name is John Pilotti and he'll be charged with animal cruelty.

  • Fox 29 Reported Attacked During Live Report

    O’Connell and Edwards were doing a live report at 10 p.m. about the case, where a police raid was triggered by the naked man outside a house at 9th and Shunk Street on Tuesday night.

    The man, who O’Connell later said was the suspect’s son, appeared during the live segment and lunged at O’Connell as Edwards tried to restrain him.

    SPCA officers subdued the man. Then, police arrived and arrested the man and he was just off camera and in custody when O’Connell came back on TV about 15 minutes later.

    His son, John Pilotti Junior, was also arrested on Tuesday he attacked a local Fox news reporter and cameraman on live TV when they came over to report on the animal hoarding.

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