Okay I still remember coming home after school one day and watching the craziest special. A girls was suffering from Bulimia and she would binge eat. I watched in amazement as she stuffed Hostess Ding Dongs, potato chips, candy bars, Hostess Snowballs and guzzled Soda by the 2 liter. She would them take a sip of ipecac and vomit all of the food she just ate. That is the vicious disease Bulimia but there was a twist. Home girl started saving her vomit in Tupperware and hiding it,not very well, in the back of her closet were her Mom eventually found it and got her some help.

That was the only after school special that I really remember until now. Take a stroll down memory lane with me and look for Sean Astin in something called "Please Don't Hit Me, Mom" Val Kilmer and Michelle Pfeiffer in one about drunk driving and Seth Green in one about getting kidnapped by his own mother. Plus ones with Joaquin Phoenix, Cynthia Nixon, and Meg Ryan.

But the highlight is probably Ben Affleck flipping out and punching holes through walls in the anti-steroids classic "A Body to Die For." And there's also one where Helen Hunt snorts PCP, then jumps out window. See how many celebrities you can spot in these timeless After-School Specials.


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