This has got to be one of the creepiest app's developed.  Introducing Cuddlr, an app that helps you find other people who'd like to cuddle. No thanks!!!!

Like Tinder, the app tracks people in your vicinity who unlike Tinder just want to cuddle. You create your profile, complete with a picture, name and rating. The rating is from other users who grade you on your cuddling skills.

Cuddlr's creator, Charlie Williams, doesn't want the app to be a place for hanky panky:

Keep your cuddle a cuddle, don’t try to ‘change gears’ midway through. And certainly don’t use this app to pick people up. Sex is a great thing too, but there are other apps for that. Use those ones if that’s what you’re looking for. Use Cuddlr when you want to hold and be held, to feel like all is right with the world, and to have a simple connection without expectation."


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