
Jeff Dunham Presale Code
Jeff Dunham Presale Code
Jeff Dunham Presale Code
We always get exclusive access to the best tickets in town for our VIP Club members. This time you get to buy tickets to Jeff Dunham before anybody else in town.
Weirdest U.S. Laws
Weirdest U.S. Laws
Weirdest U.S. Laws
Here are some of the craziest laws that are still on the law books in America today.
Bobby Bones in Lubbock
Bobby Bones in Lubbock
Bobby Bones in Lubbock
Even though his show is now on our sister station Lonestar 99.5 FM, we're still super excited that Bobby Bones is coming to Lubbock to play with his band, The Raging Idiots.
Meet the Texas Law Hawk
Meet the Texas Law Hawk
Meet the Texas Law Hawk
Bryan Wilson is the Texas Law Hawk. And he is awesome! Seriously, this dude rules. Bonus: he's located in Fort Worth, so he's a Texas boy, too.

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