Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story, a musical that shows Buddy’s rise to fame, was at the Buddy Holly Hall on October 5th and 6th, 2021.

This show first started in London in 1989 and was written by Alan Janes. It’s been performed all over the world ever since, and I have the pleasure to see it at the Buddy Holly Hall last night, October 6th, 2021.

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I went into this performance with the basic knowledge of Buddy’s career, but I didn’t know anything about the show itself.

The show starts from Buddy’s start straight out of high school as he's trying to make it in the local music scene and goes all the way through "the day the music died" in 1959.

The first thing that took me by surprise was the actors for Buddy Holly and the Crickets were also very talented musicians that absolutely did justice to the music they played. This surprise continued as almost every cast member played at least one or two instruments, along with their singing and acting.

The small cast of only 11 performers was full of incredible talent that made you want to jam along to each and every song.

Not only was the show incredible due to the talent of its actors, but the fact that it took place at the Buddy Holly Hall.

After the final song, the audience gave a standing ovation, and you could see the emotion on the performers' faces. It was an incredible experience to be an audience member watching Buddy’s story in his hometown, so I can only imagine how amazing it felt to be part of the group that’s recreating his legendary career on that stage.

If you ever get the chance to see the show, I highly recommend it. Especially if it comes back to the Buddy Holly Hall again.

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