Brisas Seafood Lounge is getting ever closer to its highly anticipated opening, as new signage has been installed.

According to our friends over at Lubbock in the Loop, the tentative open date is really soon: April 16th. The restaurant, located at 4210 82nd St #240, will have an upscale feel:

New concept by Las Brisas. Will feature three concepts within itself: a high-end seafood restaurant with fresh oysters, live lobsters, etc., a modern-styled martini bar with a grand piano, and an ultra lounge with low lighting, high back booths, and a stage and dance floor. The outdoor patio will feature its own bar, fire pits with seating, and a stage for acoustic sets.

The location was previously Fox & Hound for many years. Looks like Lubbock fine dining is about to take a major step up!


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