I love signs on rustic old wood; they make such great wall hangings. It's good when you find one that says what you want it to and the price is right, but you know what's even better? If you could make it yourself. Then, you could make one personalized any way you like.

Board & Brush brings this unique opportunity now here to Lubbock. How exciting! Enjoy some wine and make a piece of wood art that can add a beautiful touch of character to your home. You can check out their gallery on their website for some of the wood boards made.

"Board & Brush is the first of its kind here in Lubbock," said Nick Tallman, co-owner. "No place else allows you the true DIY experience like Board & Brush Creative Studio, all while sharing your time and a bottle of wine with your friends."

Their grand opening is Thursday, January 19th between 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. Folks can stop by, enjoy free food and drinks, plus a raffle for a free 10-person event.

Board & Brush is located at 5905 82nd St. Suite 111. Find more information at Board & Brush's website.

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