CBS made it official that Ashton Kutcher will replace Charlie Sheen on the show which resumes shooting this summer, and returns to the air in the fall. Charlie was  cordial and polite to Ashton while still taking a few stabs at the show's creator Chuck Lorre, and CBS and Warner Bros. when he tweeted:


"Ashton Kutcher is a sweetheart and a brilliant comedic performer.  Oh wait, so am I!!  Enjoy the show America, Enjoy seeing 2.0 in the demo every Monday, WB. Enjoy planet Chuck, Ashton.  There is no air, laughter, loyalty, or love there."  

--But later in the day, Charlie  revised his attitude by Tweeting, quote, "#Winning Congrats to the cast and crew...CBS & WB..!  My best to @aplusk !!  The show must go on... You got the right guy! c." 

--And Ashton kept his cool the whole time. Again on twitter "#2.5 @charliesheen Thanks man.  Always been a fan, always will be!  BTW you were 'born big.'"


Hugh Grant was in talks to replace Charlie but those fell through, and Ashton got the part instead.

The rumore surrounding Ashton's paychecks range anywhere from 650,000 to a cool mil an episode.

And Jon Cryer is just as excited as everyone else to get back to work on a huge hit TV show: 


"I want to express my enormous gratitude to Charlie Sheen for eight great seasons.  I'm extremely proud of the work we've done together, and I will miss him.  But I'm also looking forward to this new beginning. Ashton is an extraordinarily talented guy, and his presence will be an asset to our show. We are old friends from our male modeling days, and we're both looking forward to being judged for our comedic artistry, as opposed to our exceptional physical beauty."

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