I know that the Department Of Homeland Security's main job is protecting America. But do they really think that a video like this is helping anything? Or anybody? And the funny part about it is that all of the "terrorists" minus one are white. Meanwhile all of the people that notice and help stop the "terrorists" are not. We get it, you're not racist and you don't profile. Right. But aren't you supposed to profile just a little bit? I mean aren't most actual terrorists from a few select parts of the world? I know that they're crafty and all, and you can never assume anyone from anywhere either is or isn't a terrorist. But you're going to some very noticeable lenghts to try to prove that you don't profile. And yes there are psychos in America too. Unabomber anyone? But those are fairly uncommon because we're a country of gossipy snitches and we rat on anybody we think is screwing around. Anyway if you want a good laugh watch this.

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