Amarillo’s Tri-State Reptile Expo to Feature Reptiles, Amphibians, Insects & More
I love my more, let's say unusual pets. In addition to my wonderful dogs I have a corn snake, a king snake, a leopard gecko and about 200 Madagascar hissing roaches. But even my collection is rather 'basic' compared to that of many avid collectors.
via Renee Pescadora
If you're looking for an exotic new family member, or if you or your little just love 'tiny dinosaurs', then the Tri-State Reptile Expo is for you. Featuring breeders from all over, you'll see gargoyle geckos, frogs, python morphs, and so much more.
The event will be held April 28th & 29th at the Amarillo Civic Center (401 S Buchanan St).
For more information head over to their Facebook Event Page.
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