Inspired by Adam Driver’s Beefy Bod in ‘The Last Jedi,’ Men Everywhere Are Taking the ‘Kylo Ren Challenge’
Hi. Hello. Welcome to 2018. As you force yourselves back into society after a long, carb-stacked holiday weekend and confront the monotony of “work” and “responsibility,” you may find yourself in need of a little pick-me-up. Enter the #KyloRenChallenge, courtesy of OG f—k boy John Mayer. Motivated by Adam Driver’s shirtless, beefy and oh-so-high-waisted bod in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Mayer shared his own take on the Look and inspired men everywhere (or on Instagram, whatever) to do the same. We’re not only here for it, but we would like to express our full, unwavering support for this ridiculous endeavor.
It’s a slow news day, okay? But that doesn’t make these photos of men taking the #KyloRenChallenge any less delightful. Whether your bod is nursing a bread hangover and in need of instant validation, or you just want to give yourself a little love and show off some body-positivity solidarity with other men-folk, this challenge is for you. The requirements are simple: A pair of black pants (a loved one’s yoga pants or tights will also do), a willingness — nay, eagerness — to hike them up beyond what is reasonable, and a complete lack of shame.
Here, let John Mayer show you how it’s done:
The trick is to not be shy. It doesn’t matter if you’re rocking a ripped bod or a dad bod — your physique is inconsequential. The point here is to unite with other doofuses in divesting yourselves of any sense of embarrassment, to let go of fear and embrace a silliness forged in the bonds of high-waisted brotherhood, like so:
@johnmayer this is my brother #kylorenchallenge A post shared by first disorder spam (@firstdisorderspam) on
This guy even included a pic of shirtless beefcake Kylo for comparison. Helpful!
#kylorenchallenge #starwars A post shared by Zack Baxter (@z_in_a_z) on
No black pants? NO PROBLEM:
My dude here is fully committed:
Хей, поклонники #StarWars ! Вы слышали о #kylorenchallenge , серии фото, перекликающихся со сценой из нового фильма саги #lastjedi ? Где #кайлорен разгуливает в штанцах с завышенной талией? Мы решили тоже поучаствовать. Прошу заметить, что на объекте тут штаны дедушки Дарта Не спрашивайте, на что мне пришлось пойти, чтобы уговорить Никиту #jedi #darkside #kyloren A post shared by Светлана Маркова (@aquagirlin) on
#kylorenchallenge @jjsaturno A post shared by jason lim (@okuz.gg) on
This challenge is not just for men, by the way:
Homegirl here even included a dang PORG:
I believe that children are our future:
Killing it #kylorenchallenge #porg #porglife #thelastjedi A post shared by Margaret (@nennaunir) on
2018 is already off to a great start. Good work, everyone!
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