As a teacher, I can usually sum up my students within a few days after classes begin, spotting the individual characteristics each will show throughout the year. And there is always one (sometimes more) that have just enough sarcasm and wit to keep me on my toes.

Apparently, Jeffrey Scott Davis, a teacher in Wichita Falls, Texas, had one as well, and chose to share his students' wit on Facebook. He wrote:

My students had to pick a Marvel character to embody within a resume and cover letter. The idea that you miss 100% of the shots you don't take lives within one particular student.

Those who've not seen Guardian of the Galaxy movies may not get this epic response from his student. I'll explain.

Groot is one of the characters who only has one repetitive line in the movies..."I am Groot."

Groot Cosplay 2
Courtesy of Calen Hoffman

My hat is off to this clever student! Touché!

Davis' post has been shared almost 130,000 times and has over 100k likes and 44k comments! Oh, and Davis later posted that the same student received a 95 and 100 on two separate assignments. "Grammar is key," Davis wrote.

You can connect with Davis on twitter at @robodaviswfisd.

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