While artists such as Kendrick Lamar, J. Cole and Killer Mike continue to enlighten hip-hop fans with their lyrics centered on racism and inequality and speak out against police killing unarmed black men, social injustice is still a major problem throughout the U.S. This time, it comes in the form of a song.

In the midst of the national #BlackLivesMatter campaign, two white female students at Grapevine High School in Grapevine, Texas are coming under fire for recording a derogatory song outlining their disdain for African Americans, Hispanics, Asians and various other minority groups, reports Dallas-Fort Worth Fox 4 News. The racist track was created two years ago in 2013, but is now going viral and causing outrage.

Adopting a tag team flow, the girls go back and forth, bar for bar, describing lynchings and sexually explicit acts, among other vulgar lyrics. “You’re darker than dark / You’re like bark, bark / On a tree, on a tree why you looking at me? / I want to kill you… kill you, kill you,” one of the students rhymes with anger.

With the song making its way across the internet, Grapevine High School was prompted to issue a letter to the parents of students at the school on Tuesday (April 15). The principle outlined the severity of the song's content and also revealed that the school just became aware of the social media post that was made to promote the song two years ago.

The unnamed students who created the song also issued an apology. In one one of their letters, the student states she was a high school freshmen at the time and that the song does not reflect her current beliefs. Nevertheless, Grapevine is a predominantly white city, with its white residents accounting for 81 percent of the population, according to the 2010 Census. African Americans make up 3.34 percent, Asian's 4.46 percent and other races, including Hispanics, are roughly 8 percent of the population.

You can listen to the racist rap song below, but we warn you, it contains explicit content that is NSFW. The student's apology letter as well as the letter issued to parents can also be viewed below. In addition, Twitter users are sounding off on the controversial track.

Apology Letter

The song does not portray in any way how I actually feel about people. I am a very open-minded person and I enjoy being part of a diverse family and diverse community. I am being raised to be respectful of all people, cultures and differences. My parents want you to know that this incident is not indicative of my true character. Our whole family is embarrassed by this. We are involved members of this community and we want to be positive contributors. My actions did not support our beliefs and I am dealing with that personally, within our family and with my friends and peers.


School-Issued Letter to Parents

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