Kelly Rowland heads to Paris for a steamy romance with actor Lance Gross in her new ‘Keep It Between Us’ video, which premiered today on her website.

The video opens with shots of busy streets and the Eiffel Tower, establishing the setting as the romantic city of Paris. Kelly sits on her bed, flipping through photographs of her and a lover. The scene is cut with flashbacks of the couple walking around the city, snuggling, stopping for coffee and enjoying themselves.

Based on the fact that Rowland obsesses over old photographs, the ‘Keep It Between Us’ video could be a tale about lost love, but it’s more likely a story about an ongoing relationship, since the song is about being faithful to a special someone. Rowland sings, “So don’t give your love away / And I won’t give my love away / Let’s just keep it between us.

The clip also includes shots of Rowland in a tight, cutoff sweater standing on a hotel balcony with the city behind her — a beautiful visual in more ways than one. Near the end of the video, viewers are treated to a few tender shots of Rowland and her lover in the bedroom.

‘Keep It Between Us’ appears on Rowland’s latest album ‘Here I Am,’ which also produced the hits ‘Motivation’ and ‘Down for Whatever.’

Watch the Kelly Rowland ‘Keep It Between Us’ Video


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