"EatingWell" magazine has a new article on a few popular celebrity diets you should not try. According to the article, they have a few benefits, but aren't good for you in the long run, because they don't give you everything you need.

1.) The Caveman Diet. It's also known as "The Paleo Diet" and Megan Fox is supposedly a fan. Basically, you're supposed to eat how a caveman would so it's high in protein, and there's an emphasis on omega-3s. But a strict Caveman Diet doesn't allow dairy, which is how most of us get our calcium and vitamin D. Plus, it's very low in carbs, and some research shows that limiting carbohydrates can affect your mood and your memory.

2.) The Dukan Diet. It's also called "The French Atkins Diet", and Gisele Bundchen and Jennifer Lopez have reportedly tried it. Basically, you start out only eating protein, bran, and water. Then in phase two, you add vegetables. But you don't get to have dairy until phase three, so just like the Caveman Diet, it doesn't give you enough calcium or vitamin D. Plus, you get to eat as much protein as you want which sounds good, but it can prevent you from losing weight.

3.) The Raw Food Diet. Demi Moore and Uma Thurman are both fans of this one, where you mainly eat fruits and vegetables .It's been shown to lower cholesterol, but without things like meat, fish, eggs, and cheese, you don't get enough B-12 . which helps your body turn fat and protein into energy. And like the other diets, you also don't get enough vitamin D.

4.) The 17-Day Diet. Dr. Phil has featured it on his show, but the name itself is misleading. It sounds like the Whole Diet takes 17 days, but that's actually just phase one. According to "EatingWell" magazine, you don't get a good variety of fruits and vegetables because some aren't allowed. And it's also a hard diet to stick to, because it has a ton of rules  like not eating

There yo go that is the way the stars do it. Will it work for you? I guess the inly way you find out is to try.

Read More  at Eatingwell

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