From Kenny Chesney, Maroon 5, and Justin Bieber to Flo-Rida, The Today Show is definitely giving you an awesome reason to wake up early on a Friday morning!

Well, after Maroon 5 pumped up Today Show fans for the summer, Flo-Rida had some big steps to follow to keep the vibe going. No worries, though! He put on an awesome performance that kept the crowds pleased.

I would like to mention that Sia's performance was a little less than mediocre, though. What's with the half-effort singing WITH the recording? If you're gonna lip-sing, you're not supposed to actually try to sing along with it... :-/

Anyways! Flo-Rida is definitely worth checking out if you didn't get up early enough to catch the live performance and lucky for you we've posted the videos below:


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