For the second time POTIS Obama was inaugurated on Monday. James Taylor, Kelly Clarkson and Beyonce' all gave performances. Beyoncé's performance was pretty stellar, and got rave reviews on the World Wide Web of Uninformed Opinions. But is that because she didn't actually sing it?

It's standard procedure with a performance like this for musicians to record a backing track that they can sing and play along to. And yesterday, a spokeswoman for the Marine Corps Band, which backed up the performance said that Beyoncé made the decision to rely entirely on that track.

She said, quote, "We all know Beyoncé can sing. We all know the Marine Corps Band can play. We do not know why she decided to go with the pre-recorded music at the last minute."She added that the band played live for the other performers, like Kelly Clarkson but was specifically told to "fake it" for Beyoncé.

A Marine Corps spokesman later watered down that claim. But he didn't specifically deny it. He admitted that the band used a prerecorded track, because there wasn't time to properly rehearse.

Here is the video you be the judge:


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