Now this is what you call a father's love for his daughter. Or a nerd with too much time on their hands.

Mike Mika is a game developer. His 3 year old daughter was playing "Donkey Kong" because apparently they still live in the 1980's. Well his daughter had a revelation that she didn't want to play as Mario and rescue the Princess. No she wanted to be the Princess and rescue Mario. Women's lib at work people!

So Mike being the computer savvy (read: hacker) guy that he is, hacked the game and changed it just for her.

And here's my nerd moment: the reason the game is called "Donkey Kong" is because of a mis-translation. It was originally called "Monkey Kong", because its a freakin' monkey. But someone in the process of shipping the game to the USA mis-translated the title, and "Donkey Kong" was born.

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