One of the lost comedic arts seems to be that of the impressionist. The most famous I can remember as a kid is Rich Little and more recently Dana Carvey, Will Ferrell and Frank Calliendo from MAD TV did a really good John Madden. Most of the new guys can do a couple of impressions each and that's it, but Mr. Jim Meskimen can do a lot more. How much more? How about every one! Jim is doing shows in L.A. right now. And he's promoting them with a YouTube video called "Celebrity Alphabet", where he stands in front of the camera, and does a different impression for every single letter. It starts with Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Bond, George Clooney, Matt Damon, and Clint Eastwood. And he also does Jack Nicholson, Tommy Lee Jones, Woody Allen, and 18 more. Check This Out:

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