Am I the only one confused by the cute names that someone, (insert any corporation you wish) has given to the days of the week during Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is now "Brown Thursday", today is "Black Friday" and Monday is "Cyber Monday".

Oh, loyal consumers, did you go out shopping today? I know 102.5 KISS was out and about with Big travelling all over Lubbock to help you find great bargains. For some of us, our pulses begin to race with the anticipation of whipping out our credit cards to bring smiles to faces come Christmas morning.

My mom used plastic when buying and then a month later when the bills came, she would toss them into a drawer and say, "Well, you can't get blood from a turnip". A saying that confused me as a child and also sent me looking around the yard for turnips just to see if it could be done.

So, I am asking you to join me tonight, with Thanksgiving a memory and Black Friday drawing to a close. Put away regrets of yesterday and the stress of tomorrow and let's just relax. Put your feet up and another log on the fire and enjoy the smells, sounds and sight of a cracklin' fire. If you don't have your own fireplace, then just gaze at mine and crinkle's kind of the same thing.

May your night be peaceful and your dreams sweet.

Chillin With Heat

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