The MayDay 5K Neon Night Run is tomorrow (Saturday) the 4th. And, yes, you can still be a part of it. 

The online registration will end at midnight tonight (Friday), but you can register at the event location today from noon until 5, and tomorrow as late as 8 PM at the starting line. I included a map of the event below to make it easy for you to find. The start line and staging area will be close to the Wal-Mart at 4th and Ave. Q. It's between 7th street and Glenna Goodacre, from Ave. S to Ave. T.

Music starts at 7 with KISS FM live, and DJ's playing all kinds of music all night. the run starts at 8 and we can't wait to see all of you there!

Meagan Rough Memorial Neon Night Run
Meagan Rough Memorial Neon Night Run

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