Love video games? Love boozing it up with your buddies? Your perfect place to gather outside of home could be on the horizon.

Looks like a new concept is sweeping the country as video game-themed bars are popping up all over.

The AFK Lounge just popped up in California. What exactly is it? Well, unlike the cybercafes of the 90s, these 21+ bars have hundreds of PCs electronically linked together.

Patrons can either participate or watch the gaming action on big screens around the room. While AFK specializes in ESports titles, I suppose any video game is, game.

What kind of games would you be more interested in playing? PC-based sporting games, modern warfare stuff popular on XBox and PlayStation consoles? Perhaps 80s classics like Pac-Man, Space Invaders, Asteroids or Pole Position, reworked and networked to allow more than just the original 1-4 players?

Comment below and let us know if you'd like to see this type of video game bar come to Lubbock.

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