Will Lubbock Starbucks Be Getting These New Machines?

A viral TikTok recently showed off the new cold bar machine system that Starbucks plans to use in their establishments. It is called the Siren System and apparently reduces the amount of time it takes to make frappuccinos by over 40 seconds.
The system is designed to reduce the number of steps it takes, the time needed, and moving around while making cold drinks. This is done with pre-measured ice and milk dispensers, faster blenders, as well as a new whipped cream machine so baristas don’t have to do it by hand. While this all seems great and highly efficient, many customers have some concerns.
On the TikTok showing off this new system, there is a mix of responses in the comments. While some people think it is a cool invention that seems like a great thing for baristas to use, others don’t feel the same way. One of the biggest concerns being brought up is the inevitability of one of the machines breaking.
It’s being compared to the ice cream machines at McDonald’s, which are often ‘broken’ or ‘down for maintenance’. If Starbucks decides to implement this system company wide, will they run into that same problem? Other concerns come from current and former baristas saying that they can easily make the drinks faster without the machines, and believe it would just slow them down.
Despite all of these concerns, it still seems like a cool thing and I would be interested to see if it ever makes its way to the Hub City.