Being from Oklahoma, I grew up constantly on the lookout for Bambi and his friends. The woods are so thick and come right up to the edge of the highways. So driving at night can be especially be dangerous as the deer are mostly on the move at night, they can jump three and four at a time right out in front of you and it is either a dented car and a dead deer or swerve off the road saving the deer and driving off a cliff.

As we grow our communities we in turn leave less and less land for the woodland creatures and they are starting to show up more and more in places you would not imagine. Like in this story out of Colorado. A huge downhill skateboarding race went down over the weekend in Golden, Colorado, just outside Denver.  And there's video of a very unlucky participant who ran straight into a deer at about 40 miles an hour.

The deer was reportedly fine.  And the guy suffered some, quote, "serious scrapes, but no broken bones."

You Gotta See This:


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