Okay imagine you have been convicted and sentenced to death. It's time for you to order the last meal of your life. What would you have?

Texas just executed another death row inmate. 44-year-old Lawrence Russell Brewer was convicted of killing 49-year-old James Byrd back 1998, and he went down by lethal injection last night.

(--You might remember the incident, it was a pretty notorious hate crime.  They were white supremacists, he was a black guy, they dragged him behind a truck for three-and-a-half miles, and he was decapitated.)

--It was the 11th Texas execution this year, and it made news for the final meal this jerk requested.  Check it out:

--Two chicken fried steaks smothered in gravy with sliced onions . . .

--A triple-meat bacon cheeseburger with fixings on the side . . .

--A cheese omelet with ground beef, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, and jalapenos . . .

--A large bowl of fried okra with ketchup . . .

--One pound of barbecue with half a loaf of white bread . . .

--Three fajitas with fixings . . . a meat lovers pizza . . .

--Three root beers . . . one pint of Blue Bell vanilla ice cream . . .

--And a slab of peanut butter fudge with crushed peanuts

Lawrence got his meal around 4:00 P.M. and was executed at 6:21 P.M.  So we're wondering:  Is that enough time to eat all that?  And did he actually get the meal?

According to spokeswoman Michelle Lyons, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice accommodates inmate requests, but the items have to be available in the prison kitchen, and they don't always provide the exact quantity.

So here's the question of the day... It's your last meal what is going to be?



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