What Dads REALLY Want For Father’s Day
If you're a dad, chances are you're getting some ties, socks and, if you're lucky, a sweet "No. 1 Dad" mug this Sunday. But what do you REALLY want? According to dads on the Internet, the wish list is pretty simple.
According to dads on Reddit, here's what they really want this Father's Day:
To Sleep In
The number one request from the online dads was a day to sleep in, preferably in silence.
iStock / redditiStock / reddit Video Games All Day
Multiple dad's echoed the desire to have a day with video games and TV watching uninterrupted, and without having to share the controller or remote.
iStock / redditiStock / reddit Beer
Pretty straight-forward with no surprises on this one.
iStock / redditiStock / reddit Tools
Dads want power tools, and some time left alone without meddling kids to use them!
iStock / redditiStock / reddit Sexy Time
Many of the dads asked said they don't necessarily want time alone, but do want to enjoy some time alone with their wives WITHOUT, and maybe with some lingerie.
iStock / redditiStock / reddit Golf
Dad wants to spend some time on the golf course, perhaps breaking in some new clubs or balls?
iStock / redditiStock / reddit A Hammock
Give your Dad some well-deserved rest, some beer and a nice hammock to enjoy them in.
One dad wrote, "I have had epic naps with my wife and my kids in my hammock. Some of the most peaceful moments of my life have been spent in a hammock. I bought my first hammock at LL Bean in Maine on my honeymoon in 1992. That hammock was repurposed as a replacement hockey net. My current hammock is 5 years old and ready to be replaced. Can't wait for Father's Day this year!"
iStock / redditiStock / reddit Silence
Dad wants a day off from the sound of the vacuum, lawnmower, blaring One Direction and most importantly, kids whining and fighting with each other.
iStock / redditiStock / reddit Meat
The dads listed a variety of Father's Day food wishes, from steak, to cheeseburgers, to barbecue, to giant sandwiches, to burritos, to bacon. All we know is that we're pretty sure Dad wants meat. And a lot of it.
iStock / redditiStock / reddit Time With His Kids
Not all that surprisingly, a large number of the dads said what they really want this Father's Day is to spend some quality time with their little ones.
iStock / redditiStock / reddit
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