WEIRD AL YANKOVIC unleashed an angry anti-LADY GAGA tirade on his blog yesterday, because he claims she rejected his "Born This Way" parody . . . but only after stringing him along and wasting his time. But it may have been a misunderstanding.  Here's the story . . . Weird Al wrote a Lady Gaga parody called "Perform This Way".  He sent the concept and lyrics to her to see if she'd be cool with it. Weird Al says Lady Gaga's people told him to go ahead and record the track, because she'd need to "hear it" to approve it, which is weird since Weird Al's stuff is simply his new lyrics to the artist's music. Think about that, why would Gaga have to hear her own song? So Weird Al cut his vacation short . . . rushed back home . . . and recorded and mixed the track.  He sent it to Lady Gaga, and then he got a response.  NO . . . they wouldn't sign off on it. 

--Technically, Weird Al doesn't NEED her approval to release the track, because his parodies fall under "fair use."  But it's always been his policy to only release songs in which he's received an OK from the original artist.

--But he DID upload the song on YouTube.  (--You can check it out, here . . . and you can read Weird Al's entire rant, here.)

Late last night, Weird Al updated his blog . . . saying that Lady Gaga has signed off on the parody, and loves his song.  He added that her people admitted that they hadn't given the track to her in the first place.

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